NOIR, 80x100 cm (SOLD)
There are 3 works in this series under the theme: 'Paid-Owned-Earned'. Here we work with relationships between people. Children, adults, lovers, workers, etc. and the dependencies, strengths and vulnerabilities inherent in the attachments.
Here is the painting that was created under the theme 'Owned'. With threads to the relationship between a (small) child and its parents lies the bond that tends to ownership. Or a person's ownership of a pet. The tape is given -without critical reservation- because it is a premise.
The young woman throws herself into an orgy of colors and shapes. 80 is a number, but also a symbol of eternity and nothingness. In the piece, the letter 'A' is applied in metal. First in line, first priority and first letter.
Acrylic, charcoal and mixed media on canvas.