Fly bird, Fly
The poster is titled 'Flyv Fugl, Flyv' in Danish.
Named after a love poem by Christian Winther (1928). The poem revolves around longing, melancholy, and the feeling of loss. Things arise and perish, and in the middle is the painful in-between-ness.
In the poem the bird is sent out into the black night to search for the great love of the narrator.
The red robin symbolises transformation, passion, change, and power. The little songbird is an advocate for endurance and perseverance. The myth tells us that the robin got the red chest when it pricked itself on the thorns of the crown of Christ and the bird became holy. The red robin is also associated with the transition from one era to another. A robin flying by your window on a spring day is a sign of good fortune – and here, you have two in one frame.