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Commissioned work for the book 'When my daughter lost her head' by Gitte Karis Strandgaard.
A poignant story about her daughter's course of illness, when she suddenly went from being a well-functioning 13-year-old to having the same physical and cognitive abilities as a 2-year-old girl.
Julie Bidstrup interviewed the author, who told about the hard journey and the elements that made themselves felt. Gitte wanted the picture to reflect hope for the future, without denying that it had been a hard journey.
Thus, the painting is about a girl who needed peace inside her shell and could only come out when her brain was ready. About CT scans and EEG. A late grandmother, who perhaps supported from the sidelines. About the laborious way back to life. Like small cross stitches that step by step form a finished pattern. And finally, the artist has put a hope for normalcy, husband and children into the picture in the form of a 70-year-old love letter. Written in French, hard to read and even harder to understand if you don't know the language. Framed by de Glarmester Per Lang, who has made a detail on the back of the painting, where the front of the postcard can be seen.
Gitte Karis' book can be bought from Saxo here :