Daniel's family approached Galleri BidsArt before his 30th birthday.
Daniel is the type of man who is always busy with many projects, jobs, dreams and ideas. Shortly into the interview I sensed the word 'Indomitable'. He has three children and a beautiful girlfriend. An eye for aesthetics and design, and his mother might wish that he would occasionally slow down a bit and not worry about surface.
the ostrich; the world's largest bird, which with its 130 kg stands out from other birds by not being able to fly. On the other hand, it can run incredibly fast and has adapted so that it can live and survive the most incredible conditions in both heat and barrenness.
I saw a commercial about an ostrich that wanted to fly. And it kept trying and preparing. And finally; then it flew. That is indomitable. A value or quality that is rarely seen in its true form.
In the painting, it is the boyfriend who is wearing the aviator helmet. Because there must also be room for a silly top hat. And she is happy to lend it out. Exactly this girl can wear her long hair purple - because she too is her own.
The designer chairs from Nanna Ditzel tumble headlong into the butler down through the picture. They are not finished painting. Perhaps because the perfect life, which is typically depicted in the expensive staging, is never complete. Maybe because the big things come gradually and through patience and savings. And maybe they're just there because you have to remember – when you're running fast – to occasionally sit down and take a rest. And it's not always easy, so the chairs get a little messy.
The three children in the picture give themselves. They are clearly a unit; strongly delineated in their own corner of the picture, and yet three independent individuals who look at each fixed point outside the picture frame.
Fims and royal flowers hide in the picture. The mussel painting is both a symbol of values, the good life, but also of things that flourish and multiply. Children and children's children. In the background, a beige lily pattern can be seen, which discreetly recalls roots and diversity.
Screws are thrown carelessly on the picture and symbolize a craft, tool, thing that connects. And is also included as a strong reference to Daniel's father, who calls for a little more order when returning borrowed tools.
Before the birthday, Daniel's mother received a note about the photo, which she used in her speech to her son.